Tooth Sensitivity Post Veneers

Though uncommon, patients can develop sensitive teeth after treatment with veneers. To help you relax, this article will tell you what veneers are, the causes of tooth sensitivity after fitting veneers, and what to do to find relief.

So, what are veneers?

A cosmetic dentist will fit thin shells produced usually from dental porcelain or composite resin over the front teeth to cover up misaligned teeth. These shells are known as veneers. When used to make veneers that can last for a number of years, a material like porcelain is durable but costs more. Though uncommon, veneers can also be made from other types of materials.

0.3mm of enamel is removed from the teeth before placing veneers, and the material adheres to the enamel remaining.

Where a dental filling is not a suitable option, patients with malocclusion like underbite and other dental issues may be recommended to get veneers. As for cosmetics, veneers can work well since they brighten the teeth in no time.

What could make the installation of veneers cause tooth sensitivity?

The fact that enamel reduction at the front part of the teeth is required for veneers to be placed is a primary reason teeth sensitivity may occur.

When this has happened, the teeth become exposed to heat and other kinds of sensation. Right after the treatment, the teeth sensitivity is at its peak. However, with time, the sensitivity disappears.

Damaged veneers and poorly fitted veneers also cause tooth sensitivity. A good example is when the upper part of the veneer is chipped. This opening will allow the passage of heat into the teeth.

It is important to get the best veneers in London if this option is for you.

But what if the sensitivity doesn’t go away after veneers? This will be answered below.

Ways of correcting tooth sensitivity

The best treatment option for sensitive teeth is always not the same. To know the underlying cause of the sensitivity, your dentist may carry out some tests or ask many questions. With this knowledge, they can proceed to recommend the right treatment for you.

You can be presented with the following options:

  1. Replacement: If the issue is caused by excessively thin veneers following the procedure produced in the lab, your dentist may ask that you get new ones that are mildly thick. This will typically fix the problem of sensitivity caused by veneers. Also, you can go ahead to enjoy the perks of having this dental appliance.
  2. Observation: In a case where the sensitivity is in its beginning phase, your dentist may ask that you hold on for 1 or 2 weeks to know whether the issue will be corrected. If it disappears, you won’t need any more treatment, and there would be no expenses.

    Please remember to inform your dentist if the sensitivity gets worse. When it gets worse, it becomes more problematic, and it’s likely your dentist may want to take a look at your teeth soon.
  3. Root canal: More serious treatments may be needed when there is tooth decay or damage at the back of the veneers. At this point, a root canal might come in – the damaged tooth may be removed and replaced with an implant. In many cases, tooth extraction is not a necessity. However, when the tooth extremely deteriorates, and veneers don’t seem to be a good option, the tooth can be extracted.

Final thoughts

You should report any problem you experience after having veneers installed by your dentist – this includes tooth sensitivity.

At Cosmetic Dentistry Clinic, we offer one of the best dental veneers treatment in London. Contact us today to know more about the treatment and it’s cost.

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